10 Ways on How to achieve great self-control!


It is not enough to have good intentions without self-control. Maintaining one’s commitment to a goal is difficult. Humans are famously bad at following through with their goals. We are creatures of habit. We have a tendency to be ambivalent when it comes to making a change. We’d want to reduce weight, but we also like eating delicious foods.

Ways on achieving great self-control

Fortunately, people may learn self-control by following the tactics listed below.

1. Possessing a can-do attitude

The ability to see ourselves as free and accountable for our acts is the foundation for self-discipline, self-control and responsibility. Evidence suggests that when people believe they are in command of their lives, they perform better and are better equipped to deal with stress and other challenges. Believe that things are beyond of your control, and it is likely that they will become so.

2. Establishing Specific Objectives

It is necessary to have a goal. Our decisions are mostly guided by our objectives. The more detailed the aim, the more likely it is that individuals will be able to achieve it. It is possible that a goal that is exceedingly abstract will not be actionable.

Consider the following example: rather than attempting to achieve the aim of “being healthy,” a person may set the goal of “walking at least 30 minutes every day,” which is more tangible and easier to track. The SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based) can be employed to know if your goals are too abstract or not.

3. Maintain a self–monitoring system

Feedback comes in the form of self-monitoring. Monitoring one’s progress toward a goal allows one to devote more time and attention to activities that are important to the objective.

Most successful dieters count calories and otherwise carefully monitor their food consumption, and it has been shown that ceasing to monitor may significantly damage diet attempts.  Self-monitoring assists us in becoming experts in our own actions. It will become much easier to modify behaviors as a result of this approach.

4. The drive to succeed

Ways on How to achieve great self-control
Image Credit: Pixabay

The greater your desire for a goal, the more probable it is that you will be prepared to put up the work and sacrifices necessary to realize it. The strength of people’s commitment to something is determined by the value that they place on it as well as the likelihood that the value will be realized.

The link between these two parameters has a cumulative effect on one another. This indicates that if the objective has no intrinsic worth, there will be no drive to pursue it, regardless of how great the possibility of achievement is. Similarly, if the predicted possibility of success is extremely low, there will be little drive.

5. Self-assurance

An important component of motivation is the individual’s belief in his or her own capacity to attain the goal. People will not develop much drive for change if they feel that it is impossible for them to achieve their goals.

When faced with problems, those with low self-confidence are more likely to have questions about their capacity to complete the work at hand, whereas those with high self-confidence are more likely to persevere in their efforts to complete the task at hand.

6. Willpower

Willpower is defined as the strength or psychological energy that a person must have in order to overcome other temptations and progress toward a goal.

Self-control is dependent on a finite resource that acts in the same way as physical strength or energy. When people exercise self-control, they are consuming this resource. As a result, when people have only one objective, they are more successful at exercising self-control than when they have two or more competing goals.

7. Stay away from temptation

It is necessary to anticipate circumstances where undesired impulses may develop and to take proactive efforts to guarantee that one does not succumb to the problematic urge in order to successfully avoid temptation.

Examples of avoiding exposure to enticing situations include making unhealthy meals less apparent, such as keeping one’s house free of harmful yet appealing foods, and exercising self-control when confronted with temptation.

8. Having a “Why” and “How” Mentality

“Why” questions stimulate long-term thought, as well as the value of following a certain course of action. “How” queries, on the other hand, draw the mind back to the present and force it to assess the goal’s reachability or practicality.

Although the forest may be seen from a distance, trees can be seen from a closer viewpoint. As a result, we are less able to pinpoint the specifics of the decision due to the distance.

Whenever we decide to go on a diet, we do it because the results it promises are appealing to us. However, there are also low-level aspects linked with this duty, such as going to the gym and refraining from eating our favorite foods, among other considerations.

The Why questions can help people sustain a new habit, such as regular exercise or a healthy diet, by providing motivation.

9. Self-control as a pattern of behavior

Photo by Jordi Zamora on Unsplash

While the physical independence of today and tomorrow is undeniable, the reality remains that actions taken today have an impact on actions taken in the future.

According to psychologist Howard Rachlin, self-control is achieved by the selection of “patterns” of conduct through time rather than by doing particular “acts.”

It is important to understand that the decision to stop smoking is a decision to begin a pattern of behavior. It is to fail to recognize the link between tonight’s conduct and the sequence of acts that have occurred over many nights and days that one is smoking a cigarette.

Not smoking tonight makes it simpler to not smoke tomorrow, and not smoking tomorrow makes it easier not to smoke the next day, and so on. It’s a cycle that continues indefinitely.

10. Goals that are automatically achieved

A basic planning method, such as creating if-then plans that link a specific triggering condition with a certain activity, can help you achieve your goals more effectively.

The repetition of certain environmental signals and the planned reaction helps to build the link between the two. To avoid willpower depletion, it might be beneficial to create if-then plans in order to outsource behavioral control to the environment.

And the individual is now operating on automatic pilot, with the planned action being activated directly by the cue that was provided. Individuals might therefore revert to healthy behaviors while under stress or distraction with self-control.

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Ashutosh Aditya

Hi, I am Ashutosh Aditya. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and blogger by passion. I have a total work experience of more than 15 years in the field of automobile, defence manufacturing and petroleum sector. I love to write about technical, behavioral and phycological components for employees and their workplace.

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