5 Simple and Creative Ways to Reduce Stress at work

Are you stressed at work and looking for working ways to reduce stress at Job? Here in this post, you will get scientifically proven ways to reduce stress at work. Stress at work is very common nowadays. Every third person in the workplace is tangled with Stress. The Stress is causing significant health consequences and lower productivity among them. Stress at work has not left any working individual mentally stable to deal after-work life.

Creative Ways to Reduce Stress at Workplace
Ultimate Ways to Reduce Stress at Workplace: Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash 

You might also be suffering from the extreme workload and feeling stressed at some moment of the time? If Yes, Then I have some good news for you! By adopting certain simple techniques, there are numerous ways to reduce stress and anxiety at work as well as depression. See How?

Work Stress indicates that you are serious about your work. You are willing to complete the task. You are diligent and honest about your duty. All these qualities are always in high demand by every employer.

You will think why I am adding above inherent qualities with Stress at the workplace. This is because I want to enlighten you with one prevailed truth i.e. ‘Extreme of everything is bad’

No matter how diligent and laborious you are, the culture of extreme workload will definitely park you over Stress Mound. This will ultimately ruin your work as well as work-life balance.

Creative Ways to Reduce Stress at work

There are many effective ways to reduce stress at work, yet the best ones are those which can heal your problem. All ways, more or less are confined to the below-mentioned techniques to reduce workplace stress.

1. Stay Organized

Being organized is the first requirement and one of the best ways to reduce stress at work. As I already have mentioned that over workload causes a person to trap into stress.

Work initially is a simple piece of task if performed. If not, then it becomes a load. So try to finish the given task in a time-bound manner. Organize the list of your tasks as per their importance and priority. Do not try to complete them in one day or in one go. Finish them strategically one by one. This will reduce the burden of your work as well as reduce stress at work.

2. Plan the Day

The best stress-relieving trick starts when you leave your home for the workplace. Utilize the in-transit time to make a list of important activities. If not possible, you must prepare it before starting your day in the workplace.

Pen down all important tasks for the day and choose only a few among them that need to be completed by day end. You may keep even one or two tasks only for the day. This will help you to focus on your work and you will definitely be able to finish them by day end. This will reduce the weight of at least 02 tasks for the next day.

3. Be Outdated

Surprised! Everywhere it is advised to be updated but I am saying ‘Be Outdated’. Actually this is one the the unique ways to reduce stress at work!

I have a logic behind this. The more you will know the more you will stressed. Wait, do not jump over the decision that you will not learn new things and keep yourself away from incoming work.

I am talking about being outdated with those factors that command you to do new work before finishing the previous ones. I include them as emails, mobile phones, chat messengers in the ‘Outdated’ list.

Start your day at the workplace by reading important emails, messages, etc. and work selectively on them. Do not open these communication apps every hour. Schedule a time for this activity and stay outdated until you finish your current assigned task.

Do not think and worry about other upcoming important emails, messages, phone calls during this time. All these factors distract you from assigned tasks and you will not be able to complete them within the time frame. Ultimately they will become a burden for the next day.

4. Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is something like avoiding any task to perform now and delaying it for a later date. This is a very bad habit to delay your activities for a never known date. Instead of procrastinating, you may plan and schedule those tasks.

Note down all important tasks that you are delaying at your workplace. Start working on them one by one each day from right now. This will reduce the workload and you will never feel stressed.

5. Learn to Say ‘NO’– One of the most effective ways to reduce stress at work

Reduce Stress at Work
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Once you have planned your work in coordination with your boss, start working on that without worries.

Due to some exigencies, bosses can intervene in between to do additional work. Never refuse them directly for additional work. Instead, be polite and make her aware of the list of your pending work.

Discuss with her and set the priorities. If she does not agree with the suggestions, never hesitate to say NO for now. Keep her into confidence that you will do this additional task after pending works get completed. This is one of the best working ways to reduce stress at work.

Ashutosh Aditya

Hi, I am Ashutosh Aditya. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and blogger by passion. I have a total work experience of more than 15 years in the field of automobile, defence manufacturing and petroleum sector. I love to write about technical, behavioral and phycological components for employees and their workplace.

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