7 Notable Reasons Why Employees leave the job

Employees do not want to leave the job till it fulfils their needs and expectations. When companies fail to meet the expectations of the employees, they leave.

7 Notable Reasons Why Employees leave the job
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

If you ask a question to any new employee why you get into the job? Probably he will give you superfluous reasons. But if you ask the same question with the same person when he is not employed, he will cite different reasons.

Money is the basic need for every person and is the first and foremost reason to get into the job. Money is the medium for fulfilling a person’s tangible and intangible needs.

In a job, needs and expectations grow together with time. Money is the initial need and later on decent job, decent salary, timely promotions etc show their presence.

These are the basic needs that bind employees with their organisations. Apart from these, there are several expectations of employees. If not met, they start thinking to leave the job or to change the job.

Reasons Why Employees leave the job

There are several reasons why employees leave the job. Some notable and prevalent reasons are listed below:

1. Better Job Opportunity

When an employee leave the job, the most cited reason is ‘Better Job Opportunity’. It can be higher pay scale, better job security, getting senior position, job in a big company or job in abroad.

Some of the needs can be fulfilled by a company to retain their employees. But all the reasons can’t be fulfilled by any of the company at any point of time.

2. Better Career Growth

Timely promotion is the best strategy to retain an employee. Those who get promotion on time become loyal to the company and work with full zeal and dedication.

Those deserving employees, who work hard to grow the company’s business but don’t get the promotion on time, lose trust on company. They always feel cheated and exploited by the management. Such employee seek the opportunity to leave the job and get into new one for career growth.

3. Need Job Recognition

Everyone wants to be praised and admired for his / her work. Job recognition makes an employee motivated. Sometimes, management ignore the contribution of an employee and give its credit to someone else while sitting on air conditioned room.

Such intended ignorance and bias force an employee to either fight for it or to leave the job.

4. Job Extremities

There are many organisations and companies that are full of job extremities. Either these companies have too much work or very less work to do. Employee engaged in both the positions, suffer from job extremities.

They don’t get the solution and finally found trapped into depression. Those who want to come out from extremities leave the job and join another organisations.

5. Monotonous Job

Monotonous job is also one of the reason why people leave the job. They get bored with same work. They lose the efficiency if engaged in same cyclic jobs for a longer time.

To break this cycle, employees request management to change their job profile. When no change, they leave the job for a big change.

6. Over Involvement by higher management

Now a days, It is very common for majority of organisations where higher management is interfering into day to day activities at employee’s level. Such involvement at micro level causes employee feels low in capacity to work independently. They feel themselves puppets who dance by getting directions from their masters.

Over involvement and micromanagement forces the employees to leave the job and switch to another one where they can work with freedom in their own sphere of workspace.

7. Conflict of Interest

In all the organisations, team heads are given the power of decision making at their level to meet the job requirement & get the job done at ground level. Few team heads, rather than making decisions by involving team members, make decisions by their own.

Employees leave the job-Conflict Of Interest
Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

While making decisions, they do not listen the views of others or entertain any employee. This causes conflict of interest and develops the bad feeling among employees for such undervalued treatment.

Some of the employees obey the decisions taken by their heads, however some of them do not bear it and start confronting. If the team head is more powerful and supported by the higher ups, this confrontation forces employees to leave the job.

Also Read: Work-Life Balance: 20 Real Life Problems and Proven Solutions

Ashutosh Aditya

Hi, I am Ashutosh Aditya. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and blogger by passion. I have a total work experience of more than 15 years in the field of automobile, defence manufacturing and petroleum sector. I love to write about technical, behavioral and phycological components for employees and their workplace.

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