13 Characteristics and Skills required to become a good Leader!


Do you strive to become an good leader in your business, entrepreneur career or somewhere else? Well then, it’s your lucky day as today, in this article, we will discuss each and all-important characteristics and skillsets which are required to become a successful leader. Keep reading!

What is the exact definition of a good leader?

Although it may seem self-evident, it is not. If we conducted a random survey currently, we would very certainly receive replies similar to the following:

  • An individual who exercises influence over others.
  • A very charismatic individual.
  • A person who possesses the capacity to persuade others.
  • A person who is reverently listened to.

As you can see, what it means to be a good leader varies according to individual. Although, the real definition is somewhat this: “A leader is a person who serves as a point of reference for a group.” He is a leader of a movement, group, or institution who has won the admiration and support of those who follow and support his actions or decisions. This individual or team leads the way or team because he has gained the respect of each member in a variety of ways:

  • With his expertise.
  • In the way he communicates.
  • For the capacity to make choices
  • For being aware of how to handle a situation.
  • For encouraging and comprehending each member.

We could name numerous more, but these are the most pertinent and highlight the fact that in order to be regarded a successful leader, a leader must possess abilities in a variety of areas. Would you like us to X-ray the ideal leader? Let us proceed there.

13 Characteristics of an effective leader

As previously said, many people internalise the notion that a leader can possess a wide variety of characteristics. While some regard his capacity to issue commands as a positive characteristic, others believe that his charisma or communicating ability is more decisive. What are the true defining characteristics of a good leader then?

A person can possess a variety of characteristics, but in order to serve as a benchmark, they must possess a wide variety of characteristics. More precisely, it must exhibit at least the following 13 characteristics:

1. Self-confidence: This does not imply a lack of humility. However, if a crisis occurs, the leader must have sufficient self-confidence to make judgments without hesitation.

2. Capacity for decision-making: Intimately connected to the preceding one. It is not enough to be able to decide; you must also use caution. Numerous bosses make arbitrary decisions that are not shared or respected by their teams.

3. Communicative: No leader can be effective if he or she is not communicative. The good leader owes his team; he must connect with them in order to stay informed of events. Additionally, you must understand how to communicate your reasoning for making specific choices.

4. Emotional self-control: It’s a tragedy, but many people will never be effective leaders due to this lack of emotional self-control. A leader cannot become deranged or lose his or her composure. Whatever the circumstance, you must be able to act under pressure.

5. Work more than others: This is an odd argument, as many people envision the leader as someone who does little while his crew disintegrates. In actuality, it must be the inverse. The leader must always be the hardest worker and the most helpful when others are overwhelmed.

6. Planning and organisation: Leading a team requires the ability to organise individuals. You must constantly watch the entire operation.

7. Charismatic: Perhaps the most well-known quality of a good leader is charisma. We all envision the leader as a cheerful and convincing individual.

8. Nice and polite: This is the individual that represents the team and their work; thus, it is critical that they have a sense of humour and can communicate easily.

9. Empathic: Also critical, particularly when it comes to comprehending your team members. To get the most out of the group, you need always be aware of each member’s mood.

10. Cooperative: Constantly be available to provide a help or pitch in.

11. Fair: This point relates to the previous criterion. In any event or dilemma, you must be able to evaluate the situation and reach the most equitable conclusion possible.

12. Responsible: A person becomes a good leader after earning the trust of others. This entails accepting accountability for your own actions and those of your team.

13. Optimistic: One of the leader’s obligations, albeit not exclusive to him, is to keep the team motivated. To accomplish this, it is critical that you have a cheerful mindset at all times.

How to become a successful business leader?

A frequently asked question on this subject is whether good leaders are born or made. Without a doubt, some people are born with inherent talents, but as we have seen, strategy is required to be a good leader.

What are the actions to take in order to develop into a good leader?

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

We have concentrated on how to be a leader in the workplace, but we must not forget what we saw in the cases previously. There are numerous leaders in a variety of professions. In this instance, we will define five steps:

1. Begin from the bottom

While this is not a required step, they are frequently the most respected. The individual has progressed through all levels and roles, providing him with unparalleled understanding of the organisation. Additionally, it is critical for the rest of the colleagues, as they will perceive him as someone who has earned it and who understands them as a result of having lived it all.

2. Take note of those who are in your immediate vicinity

While you are unlikely to work with Mandela or Jobs, this does not mean that there are no good leaders around you. Or even individuals that excel at a subset of the attributes. Make an effort to identify the most respected individuals in your organisation and study them in order to learn from them.

3. Spend time with your co-workers

A successful leader must be completely transparent about who he works with and what he believes. Finally, one of your greatest hurdles will be collaborating effectively as a team. Spend time with your co-workers and get to know them as individuals.

4. Strive to improve daily

We are passionate about the fact that leaders are created, not born. This suggests a path or a procedure via which you will gradually grow. Do not surrender, not in vain. One of the most frequently defined characteristics of a good leader is their spirit of improvement.

5. Avoid pretending to be someone you are not

One of the most common errors made by many people is their desire to emulate others in order to establish themselves as a reference. We all desire to be charming and liked by those around us, but the reality is that these are intangible attributes. You must discover your own character and spirit to become a good leader. Nothing provokes more rejection than an inauthentic individual.

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Ashutosh Aditya

Hi, I am Ashutosh Aditya. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and blogger by passion. I have a total work experience of more than 15 years in the field of automobile, defence manufacturing and petroleum sector. I love to write about technical, behavioral and phycological components for employees and their workplace.

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