If Not Now Then When- The Best Time to Perform!

If Not Now Then When

‘If Not Now Then When’ is a famous quote used in everyday life. But it is overlooked by everyone due to plenty of work and liabilities that are jumbled and unorganized. People fail to recall it and act on intermittent pieces of work by postponing to essential tasks for a later date. They are well aware that the day designated by them to work upon will never come, still, they try to postpone a list of work.

If you see around you, you will find many people living their life miserably. Here I am also commenting on those people who are rich, developed and have a good job to survive. You will surprise why I quoted their life miserably? This is because they are living their life like a mechanical machine. They all have strong limbs to work still they are not satisfied with their life. They want much more from the same lethargic activities that are being performed by them for long.

Think a bit, how they can achieve different results if they are not doing things differently. I am not saying that they are not willing to get more by outperforming, but the fact is that they are not motivated. They are not willing to think ‘If not now then when’? One day these people start crying about their misery after watching the wealth of other people and later on they become neutral. The state of being demotivated is common nowadays.

To overcome the state of demotivation is ‘Action’. Develop any new habit or do something new in your existing work and lifestyle. Note down this new action that you have added and continue it up to seven days without any break whatever is the situation. After 7 days, evaluate yourself what you have got in these 7 days. Perhaps you might be disappointed that you got nothing, but here I will list down what gems you have added in your life in only seven days-

Gems you have added in your life in seven days:

  1. Will Power: You have done what you committed to yourself. You carried out the activity you added in your life for 7 days and it is not normal. This is because of your ‘Will Power’. This shows that you are able to do anything with your mind power. Go, get it!
  2. Punctuality: You have learned time management by managing your time. You are now able to allocate time in a good manner for additional activity.
  3. Motivation: Motivation comes from success and success comes from action. You succeeded by doing new activity for seven days without any break and become motivated after watching your performance.
  4. Self Realization: By analyzing your progress, you knew about yourself that you can do anything you want. Self-realization is the biggest key to success. This is the only thing that pushes you to venture out and perform. Self Realization opens up the door to visualize self-potential that was never before.

What you want to become?

Here, you can see how many hidden gems you found inside you only in seven days. What, If you learn to fabricate jewelry from them? Yes, It is up to you, If you determine to become a successful personality, you would be. Whatever you want, you will get because of your subconscious mind that starts working vigorously once you decide to proceed.

So don’t delay, start now and never stop. Grab What You Want by remembering, ‘If not now, then when?’ You do not know the future, but you have the ‘present’ under your control. Make use of it to the fullest and achieve profound success.

Ashutosh Aditya

Hi, I am Ashutosh Aditya. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and blogger by passion. I have a total work experience of more than 15 years in the field of automobile, defence manufacturing and petroleum sector. I love to write about technical, behavioral and phycological components for employees and their workplace.

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