Workplace Hacks for Better Productivity- 6 Effective Ones!


‘Workplace hacks for better productivity’ is most searched phrase over internet. It’s no secret that work is a popular issue in the business world, and for good reason. According to studies, an astonishing 85 percent of employees are not engaged at their jobs. This lack of staff engagement comes at a high cost, with missed productivity losses estimated to be in the neighbourhood of $7 billion!

It is easier to encourage employees to be productive when they are provided with life hack tips. Staff members will find it less challenging to stay focused and complete their tasks when productivity levels rise in their respective organisations.

Effectively employed productivity hacks assist employees in ensuring that every day at the office is spent productively, from the day of their hire to the date of their retirement.

Workplace Hacks for Better Productivity

Image Credit: Pixabay

The following are the top six workplace hacks for better productivity.

1. Pomodoro Technique (25-minute intervals)

The Pomodoro Technique is widely regarded as a superior alternative when it comes to productivity hacks. Work will be done in twenty-five-minute intervals, with a five-minute rest in between. When people work in shorter bursts, they frequently discover that they spend their time more efficiently and complete their task more quickly.

Using the Pomodoro Technique can also assist people avoid devoting an excessive amount of time to a single key job and schedule time for self-care breaks. Even while it is desirable to work more efficiently and effectively, personal well-being and leisure time are vital for productivity. People burn out and become significantly less productive if they do not prioritise their own well-being and leisure time.

2. Consume the frog

Eating the frog is a great life hack invented by Brian Tracy that has become popular. However, despite the fact that the productivity hack has an unusual name, the underlying notion is quite simple. It involves getting things done first thing in the morning, prioritising the most critical task every day, and completing them as quickly as possible.

Tracy agrees that some people are not early risers and that this is a valid point. If someone is able to complete their work more efficiently later in the day, they can still eat the frog. The primary goal of the frog-eating approach is to assist in the performance of the most critical duties throughout the day.

3. The Eisenhower matrix

The Eisenhower matrix is an excellent tool for increasing productivity and expediting the completion of tasks. According on the relevance and urgency of the tasks, this system classifies them into categories. Once the most important tasks have been identified and prioritised, the individual can begin working their way down the list.

Eating the frog and completing the Eisenhower Matrix can be difficult tasks for those who are struggling to get started with the most essential activity on their to-do list. If this is the case, folks can create a list of jobs that are easy to do and can be completed in a matter of minutes. Employees can, for example, use their desk space to check email notifications or to take much-needed personal care if they tidy up their workspace.

4. Do not include a list

It’s a terrific technique to help people stay focused and get more work done by using the life not to do list hack. A do-not list is a collection of counterproductive behaviours that prevent people from accomplishing their goals. Some people, for example, check their email and social media notifications far too frequently while at work.

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For those individuals, making a mental reminder not to check their email or social media notifications may be the first item on their to-do list. Alternatively, an employee could check their email and social media notifications in their spare time rather than at their place of employment.

5. Make a schedule for everything

The entire scheduling strategy, which is especially beneficial for persons who struggle with time management, can be an excellent tool for increasing productivity. Using the scheduling all strategy, it is necessary to schedule all important tasks for a given time and day.

It is possible to ensure that there is enough time allocated per day to finish vital chores by employing this strategy. Furthermore, scheduling everything can assist people in remaining focused on an important task until the next time slot and the next key scheduled assignment.

6. Two Minute Rule

In order to avoid spending an excessive amount of time on a single task, the two-minute rule should be followed. Essentially, the rule dictates that any activity that can be accomplished in two minutes or less must be executed as soon as it is identified. Those who spend too much time each day writing down too many tasks may find that their capacity to remain focused is hampered.

The two-minute rule reduces the likelihood that a to-do list will become overwhelming. One of the most common criticisms of the two-minute rule is that it might lead to an excessive amount of time being spent on low-priority tasks.

People with good decision-making and time management abilities may strike a balance between completing large, critical jobs and completing smaller, less important ones according to the two-minute rule. Trust, above workplace hacks for better productivity will change the way of working.

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Ashutosh Aditya

Hi, I am Ashutosh Aditya. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and blogger by passion. I have a total work experience of more than 15 years in the field of automobile, defence manufacturing and petroleum sector. I love to write about technical, behavioral and phycological components for employees and their workplace.

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