What are the causes of a headache- 31 effective ways to treat!

What are the causes of a headache: A headache is a pain in the head. It’s also one of the most common health problems out there – as many as 90 percent of people will have a headache at some point in their life. But that doesn’t make them any less annoying.

That stress you get when your boss yells at you, an upcoming deadline, or an unavoidable hangover can all trigger headaches in different people. Luckily, there are many effective ways to treat headaches. Read on to learn the symptoms, What are the causes of a headache, treatment options and prevention tips.

Causes of a Headache: Girl portrait photo created by cookie_studio – www.freepik.com

Types of Headaches

More than 150 different types of headaches exist. Listed below are some common headache types:

  • Headaches in clusters

These are the worst headaches ever. Behind or around one eye, you can experience sharp, searing pain. It may throb or be present all the time. Most cluster headache sufferers find it impossible to stay still during an attack because the pain can be so excruciating.

The eyelid may droop, the pupil may become smaller, the eye may become redder, or it may start to tear. There is a runny or clogged nostril on that side. Because they frequently occur in groups, they are known as cluster headaches.  During a cluster phase, which could last two weeks to three months, you might experience them one to three times per day.

Eyelids that are puffy, a blocked or runny nose, sensitivity to light and sound, restlessness or agitation are other symptoms.

  • Migraine Headache

Pain that throbs and pounds is a common description of migraine headaches. One to four times per month on average, they can last anywhere from four hours to three days. People also experience other symptoms in addition to the discomfort, such as sensitivity to light, sound, or scents; nausea or vomiting; appetite loss; and an upset stomach or pain in the abdomen.

The symptoms of a migraine in children can include paleness, drowsiness, blurred vision, fever, and nausea. About once a month, a tiny percentage of children who experience migraines also experience digestive problems including vomiting.

  • Headache due to stress or tension

The most frequent type of headache in both adults and teenagers is a tension headache. They are mildly to moderately painful and recur over time. Usually, they don’t exhibit any other symptoms

  • Exercise and Sex Headaches

The muscles in your head, neck, and scalp require more blood when you’re moving around. For supply, your blood vessels enlarge. A pulsating headache on both sides of your head ensues, which may last for up to 48 hours. Whether you’re exercising or having sex, it usually hits during or right after.

  • Sinus Headaches

You have a sharp, ongoing pain in your cheeks, forehead, or on the bridge of your nose when you have a sinus headache. They develop when the sinuses, or cavities in your head, become inflamed. The pain frequently coexists with other sinus symptoms such a runny nose, ear fullness, fever, and facial swelling.

Similar to the clear discharge experienced during cluster or migraine headaches, a real sinus headache is caused by a sinus infection, thus the mucus that comes out of your nose will be yellow or green.

  • Medication-overuse headache

The most typical type secondary headache is a headache brought on by medication overuse headache (MOH), also referred to as a rebound headache. With symptoms like tension headaches or migraines, a MOH is defined by regular or daily headaches.

Painkillers work to relieve these headaches at first, but they eventually return. When a patient has a headache issue and has taken painkillers at least 15 days in a month, a doctor may diagnose MOH.

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What are the causes of a headache according to their types

Causes of clusters headache

Cluster headaches are more common in smokers, while their exact cause is unknown. Alcohol should be avoided when under attack.

Causes of Migraine Headache

The causes of migraines are not entirely understood by medical professionals. But it frequently runs in families, and it affects people with specific pre-existing disorders more frequently, such depression and epilepsy.

Migraines may be brought on by:

  • Anxiety and tension
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Hormonal adjustments
  • Giving up meals
  • Dehydration
  • Certain foods and medicines
  • Both loud noise and bright lights

Causes of tension headaches

Although the exact cause of tension headaches is unknown, common triggers include stress, worry, and sadness. Other possible triggers comprise:

  • Dehydration
  • Loud sound
  • Exercise inactivity
  • Not enough good sleep
  • Posture
  • Missing meals
  • Eye fatigue

Causes of exercise headaches

Exercise headaches are caused on by intense physical activity and have the following causes:

  • Jogging, jumping, and lifting weights.
  • Sexual interaction.
  • Sneeze or coughing bouts.

Although they frequently last just a few hours, these headaches can rarely continue up to two days.

Causes of sinus headaches

Headaches resulting from sinus infections. A sinus infection can result from anything that causes mucus to amass in the sinuses, including:

  • The most usual cause is the common cold.
  • Mucus production is triggered by seasonal allergies.
  • Abnormal growths in the nose or sinuses are known as nasal polyps. Nasal polyps can obstruct the drainage of mucus.

The line of bone and cartilage that runs down the middle of the nose has a deviation called a septum. Mucus may not drain correctly due to a deviated septum.

Causes of Medication-overuse headache

Medication overuse headache-causing medications include:

  • Opioids
  • Acetaminophen
  • Triptans, like sumatriptan, are used
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like Aspirin and ibuprofen

Despite taking these drugs, a headache caused by pharmaceutical misuse can still happen. However, those who take opioids particularly to alleviate headaches appear to be more likely to develop a medication-overuse headache.

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Treatments for headaches

Causes of a Headache: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Treatment for clusters headache

The goal of treatment is to lessen the intensity and frequency of attacks. Treatment options are:

  1. Oxygen treatment
  2. Sumatriptan.
  3. Verapamil.
  4. Steroids.
  5. Melatonin.
  6. Lithium.

Treatment for Migraine headache

The severity of the symptoms, how frequently they occur, and whether the patient has nausea and vomiting will all determine the treatment plan. Options for treatment include:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), including acetaminophen, aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen.
  2. Triptans that require a prescription, like sumatriptan.
  3. To treat nausea and vomiting, consider antiemetics such metoclopramide.

Treatment for tension headaches

Pain relief using over-the-counter (OTC) medications including ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin is typically extremely effective. People who have headaches more than 15 days a month for 90 days should see a doctor. Tension headaches may be prevented with certain lifestyle improvements and treatments. These may include of:

  1. Get sufficient sleep.
  2. Daily stretching and exercise.
  3. Posture correction for standing and sitting.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Getting an eye exam.
  6. Stress, anxiety, or depression management.

Treatment for exercise headaches

For the treatment of headaches after exercise, use:

  1. OTC painkillers
  2. Indomethacin.
  3. Beta-blockers, such as propanolol.

Exertion headaches might sometimes be the outcome of cardiovascular issues. If so, a physician might advise tests to examine a patient’s cerebrovascular and cardiovascular health.

Treatment for sinus headaches

Options for treatment include:

  1. Rest and hydration.
  2. OTC medicines.
  3. Nose-clearing medications.
  4. Nasal sprays or medications from the drugstore containing saltwater.
  5. Antihistamines.
  6. Nasal sprays with steroids, accessible with a prescription.
  7. If a doctor discovers a bacterial illness, antibiotics may be prescribed.

If symptoms do not go away in a week or worsen, people should consult a doctor.

An ear, nose, and throat specialist may be recommended by a doctor to help diagnose the underlying cause of sinusitis. To drain the sinuses, little surgery may often be required.

Treatment for Medication-overuse headache

Stopping the drug that is causing the headaches is the only way to treat MOH. Anyone should only quit taking medication, though, with a doctor’s approval. The doctor can offer planning assistance and might suggest substitute medications to lessen the withdrawal symptoms.

A person may have the following experience after discontinuing the drug:

  1. Increased headaches
  2. Vomiting and nauseous
  3. Higher heart rate
  4. Low blood pressure
  5. Sleep disruption
  6. Anxiety, anxiousness, and restlessness

How can I prevent headaches- Prevention of headaches

Understanding the causes of a headache are the keys to preventing them. Each person’s triggers are quite unique; what gives you a headache might not bother someone else. You can avoid or reduce your triggers once you’ve identified them.

For instance, you might discover that powerful scents agitate you. The amount of headaches you get can be significantly reduced by avoiding perfumes and other scented goods. The same is true for other typical triggers such bad diets, insufficient sleep, and hunched posture.

However, many people are unable to avoid triggers or are unable to recognise triggers. A more specialised multidisciplinary strategy involving a headache expert is frequently required in that situation.

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Many people suffer from headaches. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers, such as NSAIDs, will often resolve them. Headaches, on the other hand, can indicate a medical problem in some cases.

Cluster, migraine, and medication-overuse headaches are all conditions that may require medical attention and possibly prescription medication.

Anyone who is concerned about persistent headaches should require medical help, as they can sometimes be an indication of a more serious condition.

I hopefully assume you have acquired vital information on What are the causes of a headache and how to treat them.

Pratima Aditya

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